904-685-8334 Lic. #CCC1330441
Q: Why do I need a roofing contractor?
A: You need a roofing contractor because they have experience and the ability to actually fix your roof in the proper manner. They will also have the right equipment to do the job and will ultimately be able to do the job quickly, safely, and much cheaper than if you attempt to do it yourself.
Q: What is the importance of regular roof maintenance?
A: A roof that receives regular maintenance is also getting maintenance for the home's foundation, rafters, supporting beams, and walls, ensuring that your home stays safe and extending its life.
Q: What services does a roofing contractor typically offer?
A: Services offered by roofing contractors generally include roof inspection, repair of small issues, roof restoration, shingle replacement, and emergency repairs. Commercial roofers usually offer scheduled maintenance packages that include roof cleaning and inspection.
Q: How much does a roofing contractor typically cost?
A: The national hourly rate for a roofing contractor in the United States is around $75. Rates may, however, vary by location and be cheaper in some places or more expensive than others. Specialist jobs may also incur more costs
Q: Which company is the best for roofing?
A: The best company for roofing is Big Fish Roofing, which has more than four decades of experience in roofing and construction and only uses the highest quality products for professional installations.
Q: What does a roofing contractor do?
A: A roofing contractor installs, replaces, and repairs roofs on residential and commercial properties with the use of aluminum, shingles, slate, steel, tiles, and wood.